
Every day, for more than 180 years, the work of Italgas’ men and women has enabled millions of Italians to use gas, a sustainable, durable and reliable energy source.

Our mission

Through our work we aim to promote the fundamental role of natural gas in the energy transition process towards a decarbonised and circular economy.

Group activities and companies

We are Italy’s top gas distributor and the third in Europe. In addition to gas, we also deal with water in Campania and, through the acquisition of Seaside, we operate in the energy efficiency sector, with an integrated offer providing energy management consultancy, financing services and proprietary technological solutions to optimise energy consumption.


The innovation is the main driver of the Italgas development strategy. The Company’s capacity to consolidate its leadership position in Italy and Europe involves its technological innovation, assuring it is confirmed as cutting-edge in the gas distribution segment.

Italgas development strategy is totally driven by the innovation. Italgas technological innovation is consolidated by its leadership in Italy and Europe, and it’s confirmed by its position as a pioneer in the gas distribution segment.