Uni-hackathon for responsible innovation

Lazio Innova, in collaboration with Saperi & Co., promotes RRIstarthack, Uni-hackathon for responsible innovation, a design marathon aimed at students and PhD students from all faculties of Sapienza University of Rome, which aims to respond to the challenges on the theme of contemporaneity that will be launched by the industrial partners involved as advisors in the hackathon.
The partners who will advise and evaluate the innovative ideas are Eni Joule, Wylab, Asc 27.
Mindsharing.tech is the technical partner that will manage the hackathon sessions.
RRIstarthack, promotes the value of the Responsible Research & Innovation Model for Impact Investment & Responsible Startups, it is an Horizon 2020 project financed by the European Commission.
Who can apply

of Sapienza University of Rome.
They may participate individually or in informal teams.
The teams formed, or which will be formed by the hackathon organising committee, will have to express within them multidisciplinary skills and passions, and from the different Faculties of Sapienza.
The hackathon aims to offer a useful path to promote synergies between different ‘knowledge’ and to stimulate new ideas in the field of Responsible Research (RRI), supporting the entrepreneurship of young talents and contributing to the cross-pollination and contamination of different knowledge and skills.
RRIstarthack, promotes the value of the Responsible Research & Innovation Model for Impact Investment & Responsible Startups.
RRIstarthack is a design and prototyping marathon to bring together in teams multidisciplinary, creative minds with the aim of identifying innovative solutions – prototypes and applications – that meet the needs and challenges in the target sectors, with the prospect of becoming entrepreneurial projects and eventually Startups.
Key Themes


It is possible to submit proposals until 6:00 p.m. on 12 February 2024.
Applicants will be admitted on the basis of chronological order of arrival, giving priority to applications submitted by teams of 4 members.
Either single application or Applications of 2 or 3 subjects give the readiness to include further candidates in the team up to a maximum of 4.
Applicants will be admitted in a maximum number of 64 persons, i.e. 16 multidisciplinary teams of up to 4 members, of which 40 participants, i.e. 10 teams, in presence at Saperi&Co and the further 24 participants, i.e. 6 teams, remotely.

A detailed agenda will be sent to all participants before the Hackathon.
The marathon is a full immersion of talents, skills, creatives, and enthusiasts to give birth to new ideas and launch innovative solutions: about 24 hours to conceive, design, experiment through the use of enabling technologies, original software development, animations, and games related to the theme of entrepreneurial ideas that meet a market need that can be transformed into Startup.
The marathon will take place within the Saperi&Co Centre of Sapienza University of Rome, which was established with the aim of enhancing excellence and innovation and will see alternating in-presence activities for team working of participants and digital activities for participation in workshops, webinars and short mentoring sessions.
Participants will have free access to the technologies and facilities in the Saperi&Co. Fablab.
During the marathon teams, made up of max 4 people with different skills and training, will have to focus on developing a project/solution that is not only innovative, but also feasible and economically sustainable: ideas and solutions that can bring benefits in the identified sectors in terms of services or products, whether or not using enabling technologies and/or reinterpreting traditional methods from an innovative and different perspective.
Participants will have access to worksheets, guidelines and other documents developed by the H2020 RRISTART

At the end of the Hackathon, the teams presenting the best 4 projects will be awarded with prizes in services and money.
The projects will be assessed by a jury composed of the project partners, La Sapienza and Lazio Innova.
The Innovative Solution Proposals will be assessed by the jury at its sole discretion on the basis of the evaluation criteria in the Public Notice.
What we offer

From La Sapienza University of Rome
· path to incorporation in Startups;
· path to verification and subsequent patenting of the project.
From Lazio Innova:
· Go2market tutorship program supporting startups to access/scaleup their markets.

· EUR 4,000.00 (four thousand/00) to those who will set up a company within six months with a possible justified extension.

The winning projects will also have free access to all the equipment made available by the Spazio Attivo network and the regional FabLabs useful for completing/improving the prototype proposed during the Hackathon.